Water heaters are great and do a lot of work to keep your water nice and warm. They use a lot of energy, take up space, and are harder to install and maintain than other methods. This article explores the amount of electric tankless water heaters used per day, month, season, and year.

What is a Tankless Water Heater?
Tankless water heaters use electricity to heat water rather than using a tank of oil or gas. Tankless water heaters have many advantages over traditional water heating systems, including being more efficient and saving money on your energy bill.
The average tankless water heater uses about 80 kWh daily (KWH/day). This means that a tankless water heater will use about 2.4 KWH/day if it is used for 8 hours per day and about 5 KWH/day if it is used for 24 hours per day.
What does a Tankless Water Heater do?
Tankless water heaters use electricity to heat water instead of using a tank. They can be more efficient and use less energy than a traditional water heater. Tankless water heaters usually have an electric timer that turns the unit on and off according to your schedule.
How much Electricity does a Tankless Water Heater Use?
A tankless water heater uses less electricity than a traditional water heater. This is because the tankless water heater does not use fuel to heat the water. Instead, the tankless water heater uses an electric heating element to heat the water.
The average tankless water heater uses about 0.8 kWh per hour to heat the water. This means that a tankless water heater will use about 8 kWh per day to heat the water.
How long will it take to pay off a Tankless Water Heater?
Tankless water heaters are becoming more popular yearly because they are more efficient and cost less than traditional water heaters. They use electricity to produce hot water, so it is important to know how much electricity a tankless water heater uses.
A typical tankless water heater uses around 80 watts while in standby mode and around 120 watts while operating. It will take around 8 hours to pay off a tankless water heater using a standard 60-watt average household electricity rate.
Is a Tankless Water Heater worth the money and time?
A tankless water heater is a popular choice for those who want to save energy and money on their water heating needs. However, before you purchase one, you need to know how much electricity it uses.
The Energy Star rating for tankless water heaters is typically in the mid-range compared to other home heating options like natural gas or electric. That being said, comparing apples to apples is important when assessing a tankless water heater’s energy use.
For example, if you have an older home with low insulation and a small tankless water heater that only uses 10 gallons of water per hour, it would use only 100 watts of electricity.
If you have an identical home but install a newer high-efficiency tankless water heater that uses only 1 gallon of water per minute. That same machine would use 1060 watts of electricity – nearly three times as much! So be sure to factor in your home’s specific energy needs when evaluating whether or not a tankless water heater is worth the money and time investment.
It is important to note that the amount of electricity a tankless water heater uses will depend on various factors, such as the size and type of water heater, the temperature setting, and how often the water is used. However, on average, a tankless water heater will use about 80% less energy than a traditional water heater.